DIY Pretty Floral Pumpkins for Fall
/Happy Fall! While I can’t believe that summer is over, I am so glad that it’s finally fall! The fall is my absolute favorite season, and I have an extra reason to love it now- baby girl was born in the fall! Since I had to keep things minimal this year (cuz, you know… newborns are hard!), I decided not to decorate. BUT I created this really pretty floral pumpkin for Pinhole Press! If I can only have one decoration up, it should be a showstopper, right?! You can find the DIY on their blog here!
This pumpkin was super quick and easy to make! I got all my supplies from Michael’s and whipped it up in about an hour. It’s the perfect glam fall DIY for your home. Plus you can make it in any color you want so you can match your decor!
Of course, gotta have a pun! So give ‘em pumpkin to talk about and make this adorable pumpkin for your home! See the post at Pinhole Press now.