27 Wishes

I can't believe I'm turning 27 already!  It feels like just yesterday I was 17 and in high school, wishing to be an adult already.  My parents always said time goes faster as you get older and they weren't kidding!  In honor of my 27th birthday, I decided to create 27 wishes for this year.  Some are goals, some are reminders, and some are lofty aspirations.

1.       Try to look on the bright side

2.       Improve my friendships and make new ones

3.       Spend less money but do more

4.       See my family more often

5.       Learn to swim

6.       Smile more often

7.       Improve focus and accomplish goals

8.      Vend at Blythecon successfully

9.     Post weekly & gain readers

10.   Explore my neighborhood

11.   Create a relaxing master bedroom

12.   Keep my home clean and organized

13.   Make my house feel like a home

14.    Create an outdoor oasis

15.   Find a stellar wedding venue

16.   Plan more parties and barbeques

17.    Learn to cook

18.    Be more self-sufficient

19.   Have more face-to-face interaction

20.   Watch less tv and put down my phone

21.   Do yoga and meditate

22.   Get more sleep

23.   Improve health and eat better

24.   Try to eat more vegetarian/vegan meals

25.   Exercise and get out more

26.   Wake up earlier & feel less rushed

27.   Learn to enjoy the little things!

What do you hope to accomplish this year?

Related: My Sugar Sweet 27th Birthday Party

Wedding Wednesdays: 5 Tips for Getting Started (Plus Free Budget Printable!)

Last week, I shared my first Wedding Wednesday post. After trying out a designated day for wedding planning, I realized it was a great way to get the wedding ball rolling. It really helped to get my fiance involved without having to nag him. Want to try it out? Here are my 5 tips to make your first meeting a success- plus a free printable to get you started!

After trying out a designated day for wedding planning, I realized it was a great way to get the wedding ball rolling. It really helped to get my fiance involved without having to nag him. Want to try it out? Here are my 5 tips to make your first me…

 1. Make it fun. For some people, wedding planning isn't exactly how they imagine spending their Wednesday evenings. Crazy, right?! To make it fun, I ordered a tasty dinner from my fiance's favorite Italian restaurant- my treat. Since this was the first week I was doing it, I wanted to make it as pleasant an experience as possible so we could continue it without him dreading it. You can also try creating a fun playlist or making it into a friendly game or competition (who can find the most affordable venues, person who found the band gets a dinner date of their choice, etc.)

2. Encourage participation. For my fiance, "wedding planning" meant listening to me babble on and on about locations and venues while he looked up from his phone every once in a while and nodded. Instead of grumping at him to get off his phone, or complaining that he's ALWAYS on it, I decided to be friendly instead. I suggested he grab his laptop and set it up next to me so we could research together. If we both search, we spend half as long looking. Or that's what I told him, anyway!

3. Come prepared. Choose a topic or two that you think is important to discuss and work on creating a solution. For us, it was location and budget. I created a worksheet that stated how much money I had set aside for the wedding, how much my fiance had, and how much each of us would save up over the next year or so.  Then, I added any contributions from family and tallied it all up. This will be our estimated budget. This first step really helped us to eliminate options that were not affordable. 

4. Keep it positive. It's really easy to be defensive, especially if you have your heart set on what your wedding should be. Throughout the process, remind yourself that responding with an attitude never helped anyone. It's perfectly fine to assert yourself, but don't resort to insults or extreme statements, like "you always...." or "you never....". Instead, explain your side and ask lots of questions to understand their feelings. Do they really dislike the venue, or do they think it costs too much? Can you compromise on something that is important to them?

5. Summarize and plan ahead. At the end of your meeting, take a minute to go over everything you discussed to make sure everyone is on the same page. Create an agenda for the next week or an assignment that will be discussed at the next meeting.

Working on figuring out your overall budget?  Download my free printable to get started!

What are your tips for making wedding planning more enjoyable? 

My 8 Favorite Places for Party Supplies

This is part two of my party planning series. Be sure to check out the first installment!

So, you've decided on your theme, pinned some great ideas, and made an awesome menu. Now what? How does your party go from dream to reality? For starters, you have to know the right places to go for your supplies! Here is a list of my all-time favorite places to go for my party needs.

Are you planning a party but don’t know where to buy your party supplies? I’ve got a list of my 8 favorite places to buy affordable party supplies that are also really cute! #partyplanning #partysupplies

Amazon- I love to order my party supplies from Amazon. I use Prime when possible, but when things aren't available on Prime, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks or pay to rush shipping. Giving yourself a little time can help you save on shipping costs, which can add up. Order things as soon as you decide on them to avoid unnecessary rush shipping costs.

Oriental Trading- I love browsing Oriental Trading for party supplies! I use this site for our monthly birthday parties at work. I'm always getting free shipping coupons from them, so I try to place my orders as early as possible to utilize them. Depending on how much I order, I can save $20/month this way!

Target- Target has some really cute party supplies. If you're on a budget, check out their dollar section first. I've found some really cute spring themed supplies and patterned straws for only $1 each! I also like to peruse the clearance sections after a holiday.  This is a great way to get cute decor and supplies for half the price. Just make sure you keep them organized to find them next year ;)

Christmas Tree Shops- I'm not sure if this store is available nationwide, but their stock goes WAY beyond Christmas decor! My parents introduced me to this store several years ago and I am hooked. They have awesome and affordable party supplies and decor items for each season. I've purchased really cute patterned plates, fun lights, outdoor decor... you name it, they have it!

Are you planning a party but don’t know where to buy your party supplies? I’ve got a list of my 8 favorite places to buy affordable party supplies that are also really cute! #partyplanning #partysupplies

Marshall's/TJMaxx/HomeGoods- While disposable party supplies isn't what these stores are known for, you can find some really cute party supplies here! Near the register, I've found some great printed napkins in a large pack for only $3. In their baking section, you can find seasonal sprinkles or cupcake liners and toppers. If you have some storage space, you can also find some fun ceramic party platters and tiered trays to match a holiday or color scheme.

Dollar Tree- This store is perfect if you're trying to throw a party on a budget! The party supplies can be great, but they can also be super cheesy. In order to prevent your party from looking cheap, only get things that are well-made or very generic. I like to get my solid colored items from there. I can mix those in with nicer, patterned plates and napkins to really stretch out my budget while matching the theme.

Oh Happy Day- This site has the cutest party stuff! They have some of the most unique items to make your party pin-worthy. My favorite are their mini honeycomb balls and this kitten tumbler. As an added bonus, you can check out their blog for some great DIY tips!

Around your house- Before your party, take a walk around to see what you can add to your party to enhance your theme. Look for items that are the same color or go along with the theme. You can add some rain boots for your garden/spring themed party, or use an old curtain as a tablecloth. I've also used pen cups for utensils, paper organizers for napkins, and a small shelf for holding all my party supplies and decor items.

I'm a bit of a hoarder, so after my parties I like to keep all the extra supplies, even if there aren't too many left over. I put plates and napkins in a large baggie so that it's protected from dust and dirt, but also easy to see. This also keeps each set separated for easy use next time. I keep utensils in baggies separated by color. It's much easier than tossing them all in one bag and sifting through for each color. In addition, it's easier to quantify and mix and match this way.  

You might be wondering, what do I do with these small amounts of random leftover supplies? You can either mix them in with your stuff for your next party (especially if you have random snacks scattered around your house), use them on the wall with your decor, or keep them on hand in case you run out at your next theme party. Better to grab a slightly mismatched set than random Christmas plates!

Be sure to follow my Party Inspiration Pinterest Board for TONS of fun party ideas!

What are your favorite places to get party supplies?

The 10 Best Tutorials for a Sugar Sweet Party

April is a very special for me- it's my birthday month! I'll be turning 27 soon, so I decided I needed a super fun theme to celebrate this momentous occasion. What could be better than a Sugar Sweet party?! I've searched far and wide for inspirational images and ideas. Here's a list of the BEST tutorials for throwing a Sugar Sweet birthday party!

Looking for some great tutorials for your donut party, ice cream social, or sugar sweet party? You’ve got to check out this roundup of the top 10… I mean 12 best DIY projects! #icecreamsocial #donutbirthdayparty #partytheme


1. Ok, what could be cuter than sending out these invites for your party?! I love that they're 3-D.  If this doesn't get your guests excited, I don't know what will!

2. These little lemonade favors bring me so much nostalgia! They would look so cute set out on your party table or placed in a giant pitcher.

3. If you're good at sewing, a few of these pillows would be super fun to toss on your couch or give out as favors. You could probably even use fabric glue instead of sewing!

4. I would rock these sunglasses on an ordinary day! If you're having an indoor party, pop out the lenses before making them and you're good to go. Or, if you already have your own set of prescription spectacles, try this tutorial instead.

5. I love garlands, and this one is no exception. It seems super easy to create, and your guests will love it. Oh Happy Day also has an online shop where you can find all sorts of adorable party supplies as well!

6. Because who wouldn't want a whole STRING of donuts?! Plus they've got puffy sprinkles!

7. If you have kids, this would be a super fun project to do with them! If you don't have kids, grab your friends instead ;)

8. These cone hats are an adorable and cost-effective way to get everyone dolled up for the party.

9. These balloon weights couldn't be sweeter (Get it?!)

10. Cotton candy string lights would brighten up any party!  String them up on your party table or photo booth to make them a little sweeter.

Bonus time! here are two more must-haves for your Sugar Sweet Party.

11. This donut platter is easy to make, and costs less than $10!

12. For an affordable candy bar, check out this DIY. Can you believe these candy dishes are made from dollar store items?!

Thinking of throwing your own Sugar Sweet Party but need more inspiration?  Check out my Pinterest board!  

What's your favorite party theme?  Let me know in the comments!

How to Plan an Awesome Party- in 10 Easy Steps!

This is part one of my party planning series. Be sure out part 2 and part 3

I LOVE throwing parties. Among my friends, I'm known as the party planner. Anytime someone mentions having a party, I always get super excited, ask a million questions, and offer to help if they need it. Throwing a great party doesn't have to be stressful. It can be super fun if you plan ahead and follow these 10 easy steps!

Looking for some party planning tips? Well, I’ve got 10! Learn how to plan a party from start to finish, including picking a theme, creating a checklist, and planning your menu!  #partytheme #partychecklist #partyplanning

1. Decide on a theme. I absolutely love theme parties. It's much easier to have a cohesive look when you've got something tying it all together. Plus, guests love them! Do some brainstorming and pick a theme that matches the event, person, or holiday you're celebrating. If you prefer to keep it simple, pick a color scheme and follow that when purchasing your supplies.

2. Create a Pinterest Board. I like to create a separate board for each of my parties. This allows me to pin everything in one place and makes it easy to reference. I pin recipes, decor, drinks and inspiration. I also include any how-to's for items I plan to make and items I want to buy. This makes it really easy when I'm ready to sit down and order everything!    

3. Pick a Date. Grab a calendar and pick a date, preferably one at least 2-3 weeks in advance. This will give you enough time to plan while giving your guests ample notice to coordinate their schedules to attend. Once you've settled on a date, plan out the steps for your party and create deadlines for each step, especially any DIY projects.

4. Create a budget. Before going wild buying stuff, think about how much you want to spend. If you notice your shopping cart total is higher than your budget, re-evaluate. Is there anything you can omit? Does a friend have something you can borrow? Can you make it a potluck or BYOB party?

5. Plan your menu. Create a list of all the items you want to make, how long it will take, and if you can prepare anything in advance. This is a good time to create a shopping list and check your cabinets to make sure you have everything you'll need. I also like to get some frozen hors d'ouvers from BJ's or Costco and pre-made dips and salsas. This way if I get held back a bit, people still have something to munch on.

6. Plan out the DIY projects. Don't leave DIY projects for the last minute. Please oh please take my advice on this one. Many times I have left these projects for the night before (or day of!) because I wanted my sister to come over earlier and help me. This is a terrible idea. As with many DIY projects, things take a lot longer than you anticipate. Sometimes the project is tedious as well, and you only end up making half as many as planned (or two...). Do these projects in advance and save the night before for cooking, cleaning and decorating.

7. Think of fun activities. It's a good idea to have a couple of activities planned. They can be simple, like playing a game or a having a contest, or more complex, like a bounce house or petting zoo. Either way, it's a good idea to have something for people to do and encourage conversation.

8. Call dibs. If you plan to borrow something from friends, like a table or a speaker, be sure to ask them ahead of time so they can make it available to you. I also recommend picking up the item a few days in advance rather than having them bring it to the party. If they forget it or come late, you'll be left scrambling! Be sure to return it back to them quickly and in the same condition you received it so they won't be reluctant to let you borrow anything again.

9. Make a playlist. In the weeks leading up to the event, create a playlist of songs. If you plan to use Pandora or a similar program, sign on and give the stations a listen. Use the thumbs up and thumbs down feature to fine-tune the selection and create an awesome party mix!

10. Create a checklist. Once you've done all of the above, write or type a quick checklist outlining everything. Include your shopping list, the DIY projects, and a rough outline of the schedule for the day of the event (including setup).  This will help to ensure you stay on schedule and organized!

If you’re looking for more inspo, be sure to follow my Party Inspiratio n Pinterest Board for TONS of fun party ideas!