What Greece Taught Me About Being a Great Hostess

This summer, I went with my sister and my fiancé to Greece and spent 2.5 weeks island hopping and visiting family for the first time. Even though we had never met before, it didn't seem to make a difference. Distant aunts and cousins welcomed us into their homes with open arms, acting as though they had known us for all our lives. It was such a change from NYC, where you are suspicious of strangers and fear talking to new people, lest they be a weirdo. At first we felt a little awkward, but we quickly learned to love their hospitality. It was nice being part of a big family and meeting new people.

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess. 

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

1. Treat every guest as if they are your family. To Greeks, everyone is family whether you've known them for 5 minutes or 5 years. They love to open their homes and their hearts to people, always making sure their guests are comfortable. Their favorite thing to do is to feed everyone, so you have to always bring a big appetite!

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

2. Give your guests lots of options. When we stayed with my dad's aunt, she offered us a pair of her pajamas to sleep in. She opened up her dresser and showed us all the options and urged us to wear whatever we wanted instead of choosing one for us. Even though we had our own pajamas, we were excited to choose from her selection. My sister and I even fought over the same pair!

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

3. Show guests that your home is their home. In Greece, it's not enough to just tell someone to make themselves at home. You have to show them how they can open the fridge when they want to, show them where items are in the kitchen cupboards, and where the laundry machine is. This serves two purposes- taking some of the responsibility away from the host, and allowing the guests to feel 100% welcome and comfortable. 

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

4. Always have some fruits and snacks on hand. In Greece, you can't go to someone's house without being offered something to eat. We were constantly offered delicious, ripe fruit. It was an easy thing to serve that everyone enjoyed. It has virtually no prep time, it's healthy, and it can be served on the fly in case you get unexpected guests.

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

5. If someone is a picky eater, find a way to accommodate them. As an extremely picky eater, I was nervous to have people cook for me. Luckily, everyone was super accommodating. They would order some chicken souvlaki for me, or modify their recipes to make it to my liking. It really helped me to feel at ease! To make your guests feel welcome, ask about dietary restrictions or allergies ahead of time to avoid any surprises.

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

6. Be open to people even if you don't understand them. My fiancé doesn't speak Greek, but that didn't stop anyone from treating him like family. They would bond with him in any way possible, whether it was sharing a beer or offering him food. 

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

7. Make a signature dish from your culture. Some people are afraid to try new foods (guilty!) but others can be very curious to learn more about your culture. Pick a dish that's unique but safe and serve it to your guests so that they can get a taste of the local cuisine. Or, if you've got people visiting from out of town, make something that's regional. It can be a city favorite, something locally sourced, or fresh produce. 

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

8. Always offer something sweet after a meal. In Greece, restaurants always serve you some kind of small dessert or liqueur after dinner. It's a nice gesture that shows your business was appreciated. If you have a friend come over, even just to drop something off, offer them a small treat and a coffee, and have a quick chat before they go. 

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

9. It's always a good time for a spontaneous dance party. Greeks love to dance, so it's totally normal for them to put on some music and suddenly break into a line dance. It's really fun and silly, and you aren't judged for being bad at it. Next time a friend comes over, try playing something popular, like the Macarena, and burst into giggles as you do the dance.

While staying with various family members in places ranging from big cities to tiny towns, we noticed they all had something in common when it came to how they treat visitors. Here are nine lessons I learned about being a hostess.

The main thing I learned from Greece was that any gathering can become a celebration. Next time you have friends and family together, try some of these tips to turn an ordinary dinner into a can't-wait-until-next-time soiree. 

Have you learned any lessons about being a hostess in your travels? What are they?! Leave them in the comments.

How to Plan a Summertime Christmas Party

There are less than 100 days until Christmas- let the festivities begin! 

Ok, maybe it's a tad early to start Christmas decorating, but I need my Christmas fix! After browsing Christmas cards on Paperless Post, I just couldn't hold my excitement in anymore. Although it still feels like summer, the holidays are just around the corner and I can faintly hear those jingle bells ringing! I decided to combine the warm weather and holiday excitement to create an awesome DIY Summertime Christmas Party. Time to start getting in the Christmas spirit!

Although it still feels like summer, the holidays are just around the corner and I can faintly hear those jingle bells ringing! I decided to combine the warm weather and holiday excitement to create an awesome DIY Summertime Christmas Party. Time to…

1. Multicolor Pom Pom Garland 2. Hot Pink Honeycomb Tissue Balls 3. Lime Green Dessert Plates 4. Paperless Post A Christmas Story Card 5. Christmas Light Beverage Napkins 6. Cactus Drink Dispenser 7. Tiny Pom Poms 8. Festive Green Classic Party Cups 9. Cerise Festive Festooning 10. Paperless Post Christmas Cactus Card 11. Bright Tissue Hanging Fans 12. Clear Round Christmas Ornaments and Pink Straws 13. Bright Tassel Garland 14. Hot Pink Dinner Plates 15. Blue Honeycomb Tissue Balls 16. Lime Green Forks 17. Paperless Post Merry and Bright Card

One of the benefits of a summertime Christmas party is that you can experiment with fun, bright colors instead of the traditional wintry ones. I decided to go with pink and lime green, with pops of navy blue, orange and purple, just like this adorable Kate Spade card. I felt that this color palette kept it feeling like Christmas while still being fresh and different.

To set the scene, put on some Christmas tunes and grab a festive tablecloth. To set the table, give each person a pink dinner plate and place the green dessert plate on top. You can turn the clear ornaments into glasses by pouring in some cocktails and popping in a straw. I think these Saint Nickarita cocktails by Delightful E Made look delicious with just a pinch of wintry goodness.

Now my favorite part- decorating! Hang up the paper fans to create a colorful backdrop for your party table, and drape the pop pom garland over your chandelier or wrap it around one of your plants for a Christmas tree vibe. For a really cute idea on how to use your honeycomb balls, check out the photo section of the pink plates. You'll love it! Also, if you have some leftover clear ornaments, you can fill them up with some of the mini pom poms and scatter them on the table or hang them from your chandelier with clear fishing line.

Every party needs a simple snack, so whip up this chocolate dipped pretzel wreath for a tasty and decorative treat. Yum! Since everyone dreams of a white Christmas, adding some snow cones to the menu is a no brainer. Try these boozy strawberry snow cones from Sugar and Charm for a tasty twist on a classic.

Although it still feels like summer, the holidays are just around the corner and I can faintly hear those jingle bells ringing! I decided to combine the warm weather and holiday excitement to create an awesome DIY Summertime Christmas Party. Time to…

For a fun, easy DIY project, create a Christmas cactus like the one on Paperless Post's cactus card. Just take your cactus drink dispenser and attach the festooning garland in a swirly pattern using a hot glue gun or double sided tape. Then, attach the pom poms to look like ornaments. Easy peasey!

Your biggest task will be getting back on the Nice List. What better way to do that than by sending out some cards to those you love?! While you count down the days until Santa comes down your chimney, go explore Paperless Post's full Christmas card collection and get ready to wish it was Christmas!

Which card is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!

Wedding Planning Update- Just 12 More Months!

One year. Just one year, less than 365 days, until we become husband and wife. I've been pretty cool, calm and collected for most of this, but on my wedding date, it finally hit me. And I instantly started to cry happy tears. And of course, when you cry happy tears, you have to call your mom.

Just one year, less than 365 days, until we become husband and wife. I've been pretty cool, calm and collected for most of this, but on my wedding date, it finally hit me. And I instantly started to cry happy tears. And of course, when you cry happy…

When my fiance and I got engaged last October, we were about to buy a house. Since this was our #1 priority, it was pretty much decided that all wedding planning would be on hold until after we were able to purchase the house and were settled in. We didn't pick a venue right away, I still don't have a dress, and the "little details" are just ideas in my mind. I spent a week thinking about how Friday would be one year until my wedding date. And then Friday came...

I took a look at my phone and saw the date, September 2.  And I got super excited. "That's right! Today's the day, just one year until my wedding day!" And then I repeated it again... "just one year until my wedding day..." and that's when the floodgates opened. You guys, I haven't been one to cry about my wedding so far. I thought for sure I'd cry when I got engaged, because just thinking about getting engaged made me cry. But nope, I was just in pure shock. And I figured wedding dresses might make me cry, but I didn't find any that brought a tear to my eye. And I figured somewhere along the way I'd cry about "omg I'm getting married soon!" but that never happened either. But something about knowing that in exactly one year, I'd be getting ready for my wedding made it all real. I could see that moment. With every wedding video you've seen, every movie, you imagine what that moment would be like for you. But this time, I saw my own wedding. I saw myself getting ready in a beautiful room, I saw my hair done, and I felt that anticipation of seeing my groom for the first time. It felt so real for the first time, and it was amazing.

That's the interesting thing about this journey for me. Everything up until this moment felt so theoretical. I couldn't connect the actual events to what I had imagined them to be. Shopping for wedding dresses felt like a game of dress up. Picking centerpieces felt like window shopping at a store you couldn't afford. Making a guest list felt like imagining which celebrity you'd invite to your wedding. In short- it all felt fake, like it was a make-believe ceremony we were having "someday". But today... today I understand what it's all about.

So, if you're wedding planning and you feel like it's surreal, don't worry. Your moment when it all becomes real will come. The moment when you can see it in all its colors, and you can feel the emotions you're going to feel.  And that moment is pure magic.

How to Plan an End of Summer Backyard Smores Party

It's official guys- Summer 2016 is coming to a close! Since I finished school a few years ago, summers just haven't been the same. Instead of having 2 months off to frolic on the beach or go camping, I've been spending most of my time indoors, working. It's always caused me to feel a bit impartial towards the summer. This year, however was different. Since we purchased a house, we now have a yard to hang out in and relax. It's enabled me to spend more time outdoors, and be able to enjoy the summer again!

Since today is National Toasted Marshmallow Day, I've created this backyard smores party to close out the summer and start the fall off on the right foot. This party is perfect if you have a grassy yard, or even a small balcony. It's also great if you wanted to go camping, but just didn't have the time this summer. You can still enjoy a night under the stars with some tasty smores!

*This post contains affiliate links.

How to Plan an End of Summer Backyard Smores Party.

1. Geometric Lantern 2. Furry Throw Pillow 3. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Camera 4. Birch Paper Straws 5. Hello Sun Throw Pillow 6. Metal Camping Lantern 7. Picnic Blanket 8. Prism Party Plates 9. Birchwood Fancy Cutlery 10. Tufted Floor Pillow 11. Marshmallow Roasting Sticks

So, how exactly does one plan a Backyard Smores Party?

First things first, you have to have a great blanket to put down. This blanket has a waterproof backing so your butt doesn't get wet! It also folds up easily, which makes it perfect for picnics and camping adventures. The fun plaid pattern easily transitions from summer to fall, so you can continue to use it year round! 

Next, you need to make your blanket comfy. Add lots of throw pillows so you can lounge in style. These floor pillows are large enough to sit on, and the tufting makes them look fancy! This Mongolian faux fur pillow is soft and warm, which will help with chilly nights by the fire. Plus the pink color is adorable- it reminds me of a teddy bear. Adding this Hello Sun throw pillow will be a cheery reminder of all the summer fun you had!

Summertime activities are all about creating memories. The Fujifilm Instax instant camera will help you capture them! Something about these instant photos makes you instantly nostalgic- you realize that the moment is becoming a memory you'll never get back.

As it gets dark, you'll need some lanterns to light the way. This geometric lantern is battery operated and gives off a soft yellow light, while this metal camping lantern is LED and gives off tons of light. I have the camping lanterns and love them- they're functional and cute! They'll add some ambiance as the sun goes down. 

Since you don't make a mess on your picnic blanket, you should probably get some plates! These Prism Party Plates from Oh Happy Day are colorful, large and sturdy. Add this birchwood fancy cutlery so that you can scoop up any chocolaty, gooey bits that fall onto your plate. Finally, add these birch paper straws so that you can enjoy some milk (or a cocktail!) to wash down those smores.

And last, but certainly not least, you'll need a good set of skewers! These marshmallow roasting sticks are really cute- they're such a nice mint/aqua color. They have a telescoping handle, so they pack up easily for storage or bringing with you on camping trips. Plus, they have great reviews on Amazon!

Now all you need is some smores! Check out this amazing Smores post from Cooking Classy! No seriously, these are some of the tastiest smores I've ever seen. I want to make them all!

Trying to hold on to that last bit of summer? Check out my Summer Crafts and Decor Pinterest board for some last minute activities.

How to Plan a Pinterest Worthy Party

Raise your hand if you've ever wanted to throw a Pinterest Worthy party but had no idea where to start. Hey, maybe you even tried to throw one but it didn't really match the vision in your head. Don't worry- you can throw the party of your dreams with ease! Just follow these steps, and sign up for your FREE Anatomy of a Pinterest Worthy Party guide. This 10-page guide will walk you through the elements of a Pinterest worthy party, and even includes a shopping checklist at the end! So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

With a few pointers, you can throw the party of your dreams with ease, whether it’s a bridal shower, baby shower, or a birthday party! Just follow these steps, and don't forget to sign up for your FREE Anatomy of a Pinterest Worthy Party guide. #par…

Pick a theme or color scheme.

Pinterest worthy parties have either a fun theme or a cohesive color scheme. If you choose to go with a simpler color scheme party, be sure to pick colors that complement each other. Pastels are always popular, but be creative! Try pairing one bold color, one neutral, and a few different shades of a third color to get a nice variety. 

Create a board and pin ideas.

Seems pretty obvious that you'll have to create a Pinterest board! Pin parties that inspire you, DIY tutorials you'll be making, or color palettes that you want to be your focus. If something inspires you, even if you're not quite sure how, pin it on the board and see if you can incorporate it. For example, check out my Sugar Sweet Party Pinterest board to see how I planned out my 27th birthday party.

Focus on the little details.

Pinterest parties are full of whimsical details that make you want to look closer. Fun favors, sweet treats, and cute banners can really enhance the theme. 

Create an epic party table.

Almost every party on Pinterest includes an elaborate party table. This table "sums up" the party, if you will. Place the table against a wall and create an interesting backdrop above it. Then cover the table with all your fun goodies and themed items. In this case, a smaller table might be better if you don't have too many items. Or, spread things out using larger platters to create the illusion of fullness. 

Start small and work your way up.

This can mean just creating one really elaborate display or focusing on the party table. Whatever it is, give it your all and make it the focus piece.

Take well-lit photos in natural lighting.

Unless absolutely necessary, using flash is discouraged. It makes photos seem glaring. Instead, opt to take photos in natural lighting for the best effect. If that's not an option, use a tripod and longer shutter speed to mimic the effect. 

Don't get discouraged.

Although it doesn't seem this way, throwing Pinterest worthy parties are hard! A lot of time, energy and especially money goes into them. And most parties you see online have hired a professional planner! Don't let someone else's end result discourage you from getting started. You could be as good as them someday!

Dying to learn more? Be sure to sign up and receive my FREE 10-page guide on how to plan a Pinterest Worthy Party! This guide is packed with advice to take your party to the next level, and even includes a shopping checklist so you don't forget anything.

You can also follow me on Pinterest for tons of amazing party ideas and DIY's!